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New Year is almost there!#What I want- 4 the New Year!^.^

It's ALMOST new year! The key is almost. So, in honor of this FANTABULOUS (even though that's not a word) celebration. I present the... not yet.

I'm going to die soon... Of suspence. So, I hope you attend my funeral. Just kidding.

And as you know this blog is VERY KAWAII so I thought, why not to write all the Kawaii things I wish! (santa you better be reading this right now, or i will PERSONALLY come to the north pole and strangle you). On that note, maybe you'll like some of that stuff too!

(=^ 3 ^=)

Because I LOVE cats (who doesn't like cats? Team cat all the way! Sorry doggies.) In all seriousness, look at the ring and tell me right to my face (ummm... computer screen) that you don't want it. And PLEASE don't be one of those immature contradicting people. Just don't.

*Cat Chu winks* Ha. Ha. I'm sooo funny. No? Anyone? OK. I get it I'm not actually funny. Paws up for pink cat lipstick! This thing is seriously so KAWAII! Cat face, Cat shape and all. *magically pulls out cat lipstick out of thin air*. See? Now this is called marketing.

CLASSICS! I'm throwIng a party for CLASSICS! (nah not really). But, this IS a classic. Look at it just LOOK AT IT. It's a school uniform. IN PINK! I'm freaking out right now. I want this SO bad.


This is a line of A BUNCH of neko atsume. If you don't have the game DOWNLOAD IT. From purses to plushies. We have everything! Cause I'm to lazy to write a caption for every thing imma just gonna write what you are looking at. Because obviously I'm the only one with the common sense here. Cue the angel face.

These are little minifigures of the "goodies" that the cats play with in the game! One word - KAWAII!

A keychain of the cat named "patches". He is the iconic cat of neko atsume. Even though "snowball" (another cat) is the first one you get in the game.

This... This is "TUBBS". If you buy a certain food namely frisky bits he WILL come and eat all of it. Ii's bad for business but SO KAWAII!

These are purses. Once again with "patches" and we have a NEW cat - her name is " Breezy"

Now we have come to the end of the Neko Atsume. *sob*. But that is A - OKAY (everyone just loves my over enthusiasm! - please note the sarcasm) we have TOTORO'S and other KAWAII things! YAY!

This is all THREE TOTOROS on a stump. The big one (totoro) is obviously sleeping (but then again you guys don't have common sense. Cue the angle face) and the blue one (chu) is observing the scene, all while chubi sits on totoros big white fluffy belly.

POP QUIZ! (it's easy don't worry) Question #1 - (the only question) HOW KAWAII IS THIS !?

this is ligit a bunch of OCTOPUS ICE CREAM SCOOPS all STACKED ON TOP OF EACH OTHER and all INSIDE OF A PEN . Question #2 (I was pulling your leg THIS is the last question) WHAT??????

Cat. Mug. ... Mug. Cat. .... Cat, mug, cat, mug,Mcat,mug, cat, mug. OMG IT'S A CAT MUG. I'm sorry I was in temporary shock there this is soo cool. It looks fluffy and it is modern so PERFECT!

I LOVE her photo. I have a thing for jean EVERYTHING. And to add on, the right picture's dress has a CAT on it.

This is a plushie catty thingy. But... IT IS SO KAWAII. It's so FAT. I LOVE IT.

Anyways, I'll be posting part 2 soon. So, wait up for that. Arigato and happy almost NEW YEAR! ^.^

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